Learning Spring Batch [Online Code]


SKU: B01FDVZI8YCategory:


  • Learn Spring Batch from a professional trainer on your own time at your own desk.
  • This visual training method offers users increased retention and accelerated learning.
  • Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.
  • Comes with Extensive Working Files

Number of Videos: 5 hours – 45 lessons

Author:Michael T. Minella

User Level: Intermediate

Spring developers doing batch processing turn to Spring Batch for a multitude of reasons, but three stand out. First, Spring Batch is THE leading batch framework on the JVM. If you compare JSR 352 documentation (the Java spec for standardizing batch processing) with the documentation for Spring Batch, you’ll see two virtually identical documents.

For all intents and purposes, Spring Batch is JSR 352. Second, it can scale from a single JVM to multiple JVMs, which means it can handle any batch processing work load. Third, it has a compelling set of robust error handling capabilities that minimize errors and keeps (for the most part) your trouble pager from buzzing at 3AM. Topics in this video include project setup, job configuration, reading and writing to various inputs and outputs, validating, processing, and filtering of data, as well as operational concerns such as error handling, receiving informational messages, and scaling jobs.

– Learn everything Spring developers need to know to get going with batch processing
– Understand job flow – Spring’s infrastructure for setting up and configuring batch processing
– Survey Spring’s ready-to-use tools for reading and writing to various inputs and outputs
– Learn Spring techniques for validating, processing, and filtering data
– Learn to scale from a single JVM to multiple JVMs and handle any work load
– Discover why Spring’s error handling capabilities can keep your pager from buzzing at 3AM

Michael Minella is a software engineer, teacher and author with over a decade of enterprise development experience. Michael was a member of the expert group for JSR-352 (java batch processing). He currently works for Pivotal as the project lead for the Spring Batch project as well as an instructor at DePaul University. Michael is the author of Pro Spring Batch from Apress and the popular Refcard JUnit and EasyMock.

System Requirements:
Processor:  Any
RAM:  Any
Hard Disk:  2GB
Video Card:  Any


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