Mark Bates on Ruby Techniques, Frameworks, and Tools [Online Code]


SKU: B015QLNFH2Category:


  • Learn Mark Bates on Ruby Techniques, Frameworks, and Tools from a professional trainer on your own time at your own desk.
  • This visual training method offers users increased retention and accelerated learning.
  • Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.
Number of Videos: 8 hours – 35 lessons
Author:Mark Bates
User Level: Beginner
Ruby is a flexible, open source programming language with deep roots in both Perl and Lisp developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. The language itself is perfect for constructing web applications big and small but with the libraries, frameworks, and tools created by its community it goes above and beyond. Mark Bates on Ruby Techniques, Frameworks, and Tools is a video that shows you how to build web applications using Ruby. Bates guides you through numerous areas and functionalities of Ruby, including working with Rack, Sinatra, Singletons, Redis, Opal, and more. Bates, the founder and chief architect of Meta42 Labs in Boston, is a seasoned developerwith the scars to prove it. His expertise on Ruby will save you from getting bruised and battered yourself. – Learn about Rack for quicker writing of web applications than Ruby on Rails – Use the Sinatra framework for simple builds – Get familiar with singletons in Ruby and when you should use these design patterns – Discover Ruby libraries such as DRb and Fibers to help facilitate communication and scheduling between processes, respectively – Set up MiniTest to write and run tests on your web application – Use the RubyMotion toolchain to build a full iOS application – Harness Redis to create publish/subscribe systems – Talk to JavaScript using Opal – Get familiar with Sequel, the database toolkit library for Ruby Mark Bates has written web applications since 1996; he now spends his days focusing on new application development and consulting for his clients.

System Requirements:

  • Supported OS:   [Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows]
  • Processor:   Any
  • RAM:   Any
  • Hard Disk:   3GB
  • Video Card:   Any


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