Mark Bates on Go Web Frameworks and Techniques [Online Code]


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  • Learn Mark Bates on Go Web Frameworks and Techniques from a professional trainer on your own time at your own desk.
  • This visual training method offers users increased retention and accelerated learning.
  • Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.
Number of Videos: 5.75 hours – 22 lessons
User Level:Mark Bates
Open source Go, the concurrent garbage-collected programming language that scales big and fast, is the emerging language of the Cloud. Russ Cox, technical co-leader of the Go Project at Google, described Go at a Boston area Google Developers Group meeting this way, “Go is a fast, fun, and productive language for writing programs.” In this third in a series video about how to program with Go, Mark Bates, Go expert extraordinaire, ladles a big helping of the special Go sauce that makes this language so tasty. There is a lot to consume in this serving—22 segments—so settle in for a big meal. – Build and test a basic web app in Go – Handle and test multi-part file uploads – Bundle, access and serve static assets like templates and JavaScript – Build a router with TDD, then test Pat and Mux, the popular 3rd party routers – Create a middleware stack for HTTP, use it to understand how Go manages variable context – Render JSON, XML and more with Package – Work with EventSource, Goth, Gopher JS, the Revel web framework, HttpRouter, Echo, and go.rice – Get more on the ins and outs of JSON encoding/decoding – Produce a scalable echo server using Gorilla Web Toolkit’s WebSocket – Configure Go to serve content over HTTP and HTTPS; Build a proxy server to a back-end Rails app

System Requirements:

  • Supported OS:   [Mac Mountain Lion 10.8, Mac Lion 10.7, Mac Snow Leopard 10.6, Mac Leopard 10.5, Mac OS X, Macintosh]
  • Processor:   Any
  • RAM:   Any
  • Hard Disk:   3GB
  • Video Card:   Any


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